Sunday, August 12, 2012

Much is going on in both local and national politics

Let me start with local, though this is basically a done deal, in the city of York, PA a convicted felon is sitting on City Council. Not only is he a convicted felon, but on April 4th, 2012 he admitted on a court stand that he has also continued to break the law by partaking of illegal drugs. Yet, a judge said, what he was convicted of ( drug felonies ) is not an infamous crime that would keep him off of City Council.  This councilmans' name, Michael Helfrich.  He has a few ( 1,000 ) supporters who are very vocal and that is why he is where he is. 

These supporters don't like one of his opponents that he beat in the election, Toni Smith. Though, if they knew the truth about Toni and all the good she did for the city and her constituents would have to rethink the "hate" they have for her. But enough about Toni. She was the reason Michael's supporters voted for him. So what are they thinking when they don't mind having a convicted felon making decisions that affect their lives? Does it make any sense? Not to me.

Though I am a friend of Toni Smith's, she's not the reason I'm not for Michael Helfrich.  Anyone else that's not a convicted felon would do as far as I'm concerned. As long as this man sits on City Council there will be a controversy surrounding him.  He should do the city a favor and resign his position.

Will he? I doubt it. Why? Because he couldn't find a job in the private sector. Why? Because he's a convicted felon and who would want to put him in a position of power in a company? Yet a few voters have. Not this voter.

On to national politics

Well, Mitt Romney has picked his VP and it's Paul Ryan. The man who wants to turn welfare into a voucher system, that wants to dismantle social security as we know it, is against the rights of all people by not believing in gay/lesbian marriage, that wants to give tax breaks to the rich while raising taxes on whats left of the middle class etc.

These two men if elected will undo this country.They will turn us into a 2 class country, the rich and the poor, they will deceminate the middle class.  Look at Romney's work in the private sector.  He swallowed up companies and out sourced the work to foreign countries. He took away the American workers health insurance and pensions leaving them for "dead" in his wake.  Who were they? They were middle class Americans. He has proven what he thinks of the American worker.

He has also come out against the Presidents' health care plan though he is the one who provided the manuscript for it, the road map so to speak.  It was the Republicans who originally endorsed the individual mandate plan, but were all against it once President Obama signed on to it.

This year is an important vote and I hope EVERYONE  votes, but I sure hope that the Democrats really get out and vote this year. We need to for the health and future of this country.  For if the others two men get in, it will be the end of America the Beautiful, America as we know it, a great country. We will become a third rate country if the Republicans get in. The previous administration headed us that way and Romney/Ryan would take it the rest of the way.

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