Friday, August 31, 2012

I watched all of the Republican Convention. One word..............LIES. Not only did they lie about the President but they didn't tell the truth about their policies.  We have to remember, they want to NOT allow a woman the right to choose, they want to deport all the illegal immigrents no matter how long they have lived here and contributed to this country, they don't believe in gay marriage and would outlaw it and don't even go to their fiscal policies.

Here they want to not tax the rich, but have the middle class pay higher taxes. They believe in the "trickle down" theory which along with deregulation got us in this mess in the first place. So, you want to spend more on defense yet not have a way to pay for it. They claim they won't touch medicare or Social Security ( only turn medicare into a voucher program which will cost our children and grandchildren $6,000 + more a year for healthcare when they retire ) but they will cut everything else. So if there is a natural disaster, where will the money come from to help those people? Medicaid will be cut, pell grants will be cut, and everything else across the board. According to the experts, his fiscal plan will ADD to the deficit, not close it.

What about the poor? Who will help them? Welfare is a stepping stone to something better. The President didn't, let me repeat that, didn't cut the work condition out of welfare. It was Republican governors who asked if they could have some leeway when it came to welfare, but the President said they still have to show and have a work mandate in their new plans.

It's also funny how the Republicans say he hasn't produced more jobs, when he put forth a Jobs Plan that the Republican House voted NO to. Yet, they say government shouldn't be the one that we look to when it comes to jobs. Which is it? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I listened, and I didn't like what I heard. Now on to the Democratic Convention and the truth.

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